Thursday 21 November 2013

WD13 The Walden Cross Duathlon, Essex. Comeback from Injury. 1st place!

  My wonderful live in Physio who goes by the name of Leda Cox has worked wonders on my Achilees these past 3 months and I was able to do three runs pain free in the week leading up to the English Cross Duathlon champs in Essex 3 weeks ago and although my running on the first run was way below where I'd wanted it to be I got cracking on the bike and promptly snapped my chain!... Anyway - the race was then officially nullified and so it was that the first ever national cross Duathlon race, a race that has dominated my training and racing thoughts for the last 18 months was wiped off the calendar and will now not re-run. It was a sad state of affairs for what is a growing and really exciting sport which is still so young. Perhaps the less said about it the better (as lots has been said). I know that Iain at OSB will do a great job of it at Sherwood Pines next year. 
This time round I'll try not to crock myself in the run up to it!
Anyway - so a few weeks further on and back into running although not quite feeling Gazelle like yet, I returned to Carver Barracks in Safron Walden to defend my title from last year. Try as I might I couldn't get any meaningful gap from the pack on the opening 6k trail run and I entered T1 with them snapping at my heels. That was when I cheated. I admit it, I cheated to win. At least, It must be cheating.... I got on my Trek Superfly and as always, when I get on that thing for the leg of a Duathlon it just felt far too easy and effortless so I can only presume it is cheating. I loved every second of the new bike course there. The wooded bits have a real trail centre feel and the airfield sections are fast and fun.  I'd recommend it to anyone. It was a great race and it felt brilliant to be back at it and pain free too!! Whaaaaahoooo! It just feels so strange to not have pain and stiffness in my Achilles after running now. It is all down to Leda and her intensive and often painful massage of the tendon itself. It actually worked remarkably quickly. It was just my silly fault for ignoring the signs which were there since April. 
Note to self : Listen to self.

Next up are hopefully my first ever Rempstone Roast cross Duathlon near Corfe Castle and then the Fritton Lake X-Du in Norfolk.where I'll get a chance to dirty my brand new race kit which is here:

Not sure why it's sideways and I can't change it, so there it is! 
I hope to see plenty of you at the races. 


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