Wednesday 11 September 2013

Achilles Tendinitis - I hate you.

Well.  Here I am a year after setting my sights on the English Cross Duathlon champs which are in 5 weeks time and having won pretty much everything in my path since then I now can't run and can barely touch my Achilles because it's so inflamed.  Hmm...
So, back to doing some bike racing and waiting to see if all the rehab and exercises work.

Leda has been brilliant, working on it and making me literally cry with pain but if it works I'll be happy!

The Nuclear Burn, Clumber Cross Du and Black Park are certainly off the menu which is such a shame. As for when I'm back at it, we'll see... 

its something that all athletes go through and I've been very lucky to have so few injuries like this over the years so it's all about perspective now and at the age of 35 I know my body doesn't heal as well as it used to.  So I'm going to be patient and listen to it. Admittedly I should have listened to it back in Lanzarote in April when I started having these twinges in the Achilles but as many of you know, I'm a bit deaf...   

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